Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Putting the Pieces Together

The little blue Lancia Y I bought four years ago to help me get to know Abruzzo jostles down a mountain road. My body absorbs the bounce from potholes, rocks with the dizzying curves, rolls left or right in sync with the "Blue Dolphin" as I call it to avoid the "frana (rock slides), and comes to a slight pause with it before continuing ahead when the road narrows to a sliver of a lane with a sheer drop to one side. I smile. The rhythms are familiar and welcome. They let me know I'm really back.  Really most sincerely back. My customary frenetic, all-doing-all -the-time rhythm has automatically reset itself. To Abruzzo pace.
 I stop half a dozen times on the way to the grocery store - still referred to by the locals a "il forno (the oven)" because it started out as just a bakery. I stop to talk to the umteenth person who calls out to me "Ben tornata! (welcome back, but literally- well returned). I learn that Donatella , the owner of the fruit and vegetable shop just below the house, has had a baby! Maria Vittoria, now three months old. I stop for a cappuccino at La Lanterna bar and tease Emidio that it has to be his best since it is my first one since arriving last night. He loads it with an extra coating of powdered cocoa. I stop to watch one of the town's ubiquitous older men - retired now, but still dressing daily in crisply pressed trousers, an almost glowingly white dress shirt, dark tie, and dark blue sport jacket. His hair lies in two precisely shaped fluffs of blue-grey separated by a thin, straight part on the left side. His aftershave makes his walnut toned skin glisten. It reminds me of my father's face just after he shaved in the morning. My sense memory takes in the scent of his after shave. The man ambles down the quiet street, bis hands clasped behind him, eyes straight ahead, seeing with the ingrained knowledge of this place, but looking inward at some distant or unfamiliar landscape. He doesn't greet me and I let him go by, continuing undisturbed on his inward journey.
I arrive home to make soup for dinner. Home. It seems odd to refer to a somewhere in which you spend only 3 months a year as "home". Don't I already have a full time home? But more than coming home to a "where", I come home to a "who". To a me that exists only here. Try as I might to replicate the conditions in my other home that coaxes out that other being, I fail. There is a brittleness that sets in, a crusty over-baked shell that subtly closes me in. I never understand it. I never consciously
choose the different me's. I just know there is a difference. The pieces of me just fit together differently here.
Last night, no sooner had I walked inside the front door of my Casa da Carmine - smelly, fatigue-drunk, feet throbbing red pulps, back and legs screaming "I HATE YOU!!!", than my doorbell rang. When I opened it, my neighbor Manola wrapped me in a sturdy hug. Then she stood me at arms length and locked on my bleary eyes.
"Hai mangiato", she asked. (Have you eaten?)
"Si. Un pannino qalche ore fa." (Yes, a sandwich a few hours ago.)
Manola did that thing Italians do with their hands that looks like they're covering your BS with fresh dirt - waving them back and forth horizontally, palms up.
"No!" she said, then swept me into her house.
I sat in her kitchen for nearly two hours, mumbling, forgetting the simplest Italian words, at times staring blankly at Manola as she whipped up a dinner of pasta with oil, garlic, sautéed breadcrumbs
(she ground them fresh from a loaf on the table), and hot pepper flakes. She served it to me with
cheese, wine, and shelled fava beans, which her husband, Angelo, showed me how to peel with my
teeth. Dessert was waffles with powdered sugar. It was not what I'd envisioned eating after 24 hours of moving in cars, planes, busses, and on my own sorry feet, lugging a suitcase, a backpack and a messenger bag filled with electronic devices in/on/off all but the plane. I thought all I could ask my body to process were a few lettuce leaves. I thought my body couldn't do anything more strenuous. But Manola's meal, far from taxing me further, soothed me, settled me. Let me know I had arrived. The other "me" was homing in.

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